About Us

A(a)ip Georgian Ecotourism Association is a non-business legal entity based on membership. The organization was founded in 2012. Its main activity is promoting the development of ecotourism in Georgia through the creation of new ecotourism products. The organization takes care of the development of tourism products, so as to reduce the negative impact on the environment and bring benefits to the local population living in the regions of Georgia. The main goal of the association is to develop ecological tourism products in local communities and increase the self-activity of the population, to improve their socio-economic status and protect the environment, which is achieved as follows With the activities that we carry out:

  • Environmental tourism lobbying at the state level and in society.
  • Promotion and implementation of ecological tourism as a direction of tourism that is safe for the environment.
  • Promoting the development of sustainable tourism and lobbying for legislation.
  • Involvement of local communities in the protection of the biological or cultural heritage of the environment.
  • In order to improve the socio-economic condition of local communities, promoting the creation of ecotourism products focused on the protection of the environment and cultural heritage.
  • Research of Georgia’s ecotourism potential, inventory of resources and promotion in the local and international market.
  • Development of regional cross-border ecotourism network.
  • In the direction of ecological tourism, implementation of educational projects for different age categories and awareness raising.
  • Continuous consulting support in the direction of sustainable tourism for local communities in the regions of Georgia.
  • Implementation of ecotourism standards.
  • Promoting the development of the network of protected areas in Georgia.
  • Promoting the sustainable development of agricultural farms of the rural population through the development of agro and ecotourism.


Main areas of activity

Direction of ecotourism product development – research, analysis of Georgia’s ecotourism potential, development of development strategy, creation of new products using modern technologies, assistance of local communities in the development of ecotourism product or tourist services; direction of research and education – the purpose of the said direction is to define the strategy of Georgia’s ecotourism development . Also, implementation of educational projects for various age groups and raising ecological awareness in the direction of ecological tourism; direction of membership – the main goal of the association’s activity in this direction is the creation of a single network of tourism service providers throughout Georgia and certification of organizations or private individuals who are members of the association. direction of relations with society – the direction of this direction of the association The main goal is to maintain and develop the image, business relations established at the local and international level with partners, scientific-research institutes, government, donor and other organizations.